Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Italy Roadtrip : Day 6 The longest Driving Day

Hari ni kitaorg travel the furthers. Suspect around 6 hours of driving. Plus 2 stoppage utama. So maybe around at least 10 hours on the road. From Lucerne kami target untuk sampai Genoa utk bermalam.

Kami keluar seawal boleh. Tapi sebab airbnb ni nak kena kemas serba sedikit. Pukul 9 br keluar rumah. Kami hantar kunci ke rumah host dekat situ. Lepas hantar kunci, kami pusing-pusing dulu pekan Emmen, the closest town to the accomodation. Masa tu lah kami nampak ada masjid dan kedai2 halal. Tapi masa tu awal sgt, semua tutup. Tp kalau buka pun xde la nak beli sebab dah nak masuk italy where prices are much cheaper.

Our first main pitstop is the City of Lucerne. The main lake. The most photographed place in Lucerne - Chapel Bridge. Untuk yg drive ke sini, aku rasa the closest parking space adalah di main train station. Parking fee tak lah melampau sangat. But walking distance and in between pun ada some small souvenir shop. Stroller friendly pedestrian walk to thr lucerne chapel bridge.

In front of the station:  

Kami x sempat nak. Menyinggah sangat. But we spent plenty of time taking pictures and enjoying the cityscape.

The clear water and the swan/duck...

The chappel bridge:

Lepas tu, my target was to see the sleeping lion monument, tp x jumpa parking yg dekat. So we skip... So terus ke Italy.

A smooth journey all the way. Lalu gotthard pass tunnel... Still x blh masuk the pass. We definitely comeback for this insyaAllah.

Bila masuk Italy terasa lain jugak. Tp still on highway. Italy highway besar. Mudah.. Ada toll. Boleh bayar in credit card or cash... So x susah. Xde conductor, tgk amount n bayar je.. Most of the time aku byr cash je.

After 2 hours driving, we stopped at one of the RnRs... Untuk solat dan beli2 snack. It wad decent. Not perfectly clean. But ok lah. Solat atas jalan je.

After that we continue the journey to our second main stop. The reason why we sleep in Genoa adalah nak singgah at the biggest outlet mall in Europe. Seravalle. About 1 hour plus dr Milan. Closer dgn genoa. So... Here we were... Hessa la yg happy, dpt main air pancut.

After almost 3 hours kat situ, we head to Genoa. Masa on the way tu, kami berselisih dengan kereta polis yg sedang kejar kereta depan kereta kami, sebab dia bagi red card. Kena saman kot. Sebab laju. So berhati2 la drive utk elak kena saman, never go above speed limit.

Aku pernah tido diGenoa ni for 5 nights, so aku tau jugak kat mana beli makanan halal. So before kami ke rumah airbnb tu, singgah kejap cari makanan halal. X de pulak kedai aku pernah gi dulu... But that was 13 years ago. Tp ada lah kedai halal lain, aku beli je macam2. Terasa murah sbb lepas balik dr switzerland.

We finally arrived at the airbnb accom almost pkl 10pm. Baik host tu, tunggu dgn penuh sabar. Rumah besar. Dlm kawasan residential kaya2 kot. Merasa masuk rumah2 style org putih. Ada satu meja penuh alcohol drinks... Dia kata enjoy je... Kalau mau. Good host. Dia siap book kan parking free kat area dekat rumah tu. So aku ambik parking dia lepas dia balik rumah dia.

We were too tired that night. Nasib dah beli makanan.. But it was a bit cold that night, mcm xde heater. Rupanya heater dah padam pkl 9.30pm. Mcm tu pulak... Anyway, too tired too argue. Dah lelap x sedar pun sejuk.

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